焦點話題│ Focus Issue
策劃引言 楊莉莉
The Introduction of the Scheme Lilly YANG
戲劇顧問做什麼事? 楊莉莉
What Do Dramaturgs Do? Lilly YANG
無所不在的幕後推手 戲劇顧問在法國「國立人民劇院」的工作 戴小涵
Omnipresent Behind the Curtain The Work of A Dramaturg at the Theatre National Populaire in France Hsiao-Han TAI
文本與演出的媒介 柏林「戲院」的戲劇顧問與工作 吳宜盈
The Intermediary between Text and Performance Dramaturgs and Their Work at Berliner Schaubühne Yi-Yin WU
美國戲劇顧問的發展並予初學者的建議 居振容
Dramaturgy in American Theater and the Advice to a Dramaturgy Student Jenn-Jung JIU
新葉初發 戲劇顧問在台灣的發展現況 張家甄
Budding Leaves The Current Development of Dramaturgs in Taiwan Chia-Chen CHANG
專欄市集│ Special Feature
游藝美感解碼 Decoding Aesthetics in A/r/tography
玄機游藝 文字的趣味 張世宗
The Mystery Edu-Tainment The Fun of Chinese Characters Shih-Tsung CHANG
藝教觀點 Drama Education
平凡浪漫的經典敘事 宋厚寬、曹瑜《暗戀養老院》的反英雄詮釋 邱少頤
An Ordinary and Romantic Classic Narration Shao-Yi CHIU
鮮師出招│ The Updated Teaching Method
英語歌唱比賽之我見 翁佳吟
A Music Teacher’s Opinion of the English Song Singing Contest Chia-Yin WENG
戲遊中介,與人連結 民族誌方法 × 戲劇教育 陳韻文
Playing betwixt and between, Connecting with People Ethnography and Drama Education Yun-Wen CHEN
欣賞有譜 │ Art Appreciation
台灣原住民文化新能量 蒂摩爾古薪舞集 何宇平
The New Energy of Taiwanese Aboriginal Culture Tjimur Dance Theatre Yu-Ping HO
論貝多芬與魯道夫的情誼 貝多芬「大公」鋼琴三重奏 蘇金輝
The Friendship between Beethoven and Rudolph A Study of Beethoven’s Piano Trio “Archduke” Jin-Hwei SU
故事基地 │ A Fairy Tale
阿莫甜點屋 林怡君
A-Mo’s Dessert Shop I-Chun LIN
充電站│ Fuel Station
我弟弟 尤尊毅
My Baby Brother Zun-Yi YU