Yishu典藏國際版 [第85期]:Artist Features: Yang Jiechang, Xu Bing


並列題名:Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art

作者:Yishu Office編輯







Artist Features: Yang Jiechang, Xu Bing

When Contemporary Art Practices Meet
Ethnographic Research in Chinese Sociery

Sourthern Port of Call: Guangzhou’s Current

Reviews: 7th Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/
Architecture, Spectrosynthesis, 5th Chengdu
Up-On International Live Art Festival

About Yishu
Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art is the first English language journal to focus on Chinese contemporary art and culture. Each bi-monthly issue features scholarly essays on topical issues, interviews with artists and curators, conference proceedings, and critical commentary on exhibitions and books. Yishu offers a platform for a wide range of voices who are living and telling the story of contemporary Chinese art from a diversity of perspectives, and who provide dialogue and debate around current visual and literary forms produced within what constitutes an expanded understanding of contemporary Chinese art.
Since its inauguration in May 2002, Yishu has raised its profile internationally to become one of the most respected journals devoted to contemporary Chinese art. Appealing to professionals in the art and academic fields, as well as art enthusiasts in general, Yishu is now the journal of record for the high quality coverage of issues and events pertinent to Chinese art today. Its high standard of critical writing by thinkers from around the world allows us to voice ideas that communicate across cultures.

  • 編者手記 Editor’s Note
  • 作者小傳 Contributors
  • 楊詰蒼:千層墨,百重行 Yang Jiechang: 100 Layers of Ink, 100 Layers of Action
  • 視.域的雙重性:徐冰的《鳳凰》-一個公共藝術設想 The Doubleness of Sight/Site: Xu Bing’s Phoenix as an Intended Public Art Project
  • 藝術造城:城中村的存在與未來 Art, Making Cities: The Existence and Future of Urban Villages
  • 當代藝術實踐與民族誌研究在華人社會的交集 When Contemporary Art Practices Meet Ethnographic Research in Chinese Society
  • 南行記:今日廣州畫廊 Southern Port of Call: Guangzhou’s Current Galleries
  • 內外與黑白:評第五屆Up-On向上國際現場藝術節 Inside/Outside-Black & White: 5th Chengdu Up-On International Live Art Festival
  • 光.合作用:不夠完整的彩虹? Spectrosynthesis: Incomplete Rainbow?
  • 中英人名對照 Chinese Name Index