Oprah Winfrey—The Most Influential1 Woman Today
by Helen Yeh
Few celebrities today have gained as much fame and respect as American entrepreneur and former talk show host Oprah Winfrey. Hailed by CNN as the most influential woman of her time, Winfrey is a true inspiration who has made extraordinary contributions to society.
Born in 1954 in Mississippi, Winfrey grew up in poverty and suffered abuse as a child. Despite her rough beginnings, she excelled in high school and won a full scholarship to Tennessee State University. There, Winfrey began working in radio and television.
Her talent soon led her to host The Oprah Winfrey Show. Covering topics from health and spirituality to personal relationships and money management, the talk show entertained and educated its viewers daily. Crying along with her guests and talking openly about her own struggles on the show, Winfrey made people feel like she was one of them. The Oprah Winfrey Show ran for 25 years and remains the highest-rated talk show in American history today.
But Winfrey’s achievements don’t end there. In 1985, she earned an Oscar nomination for her moving depiction of an early 20th-century African American woman in The Color Purple. She also founded O, The Oprah Magazine, which explores various topics related to women and encourages readers to “live their best lives.” More recently, Winfrey started her own TV channel, the Oprah Winfrey Network, further increasing her influence.
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