This Is Marketing
You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn To See
by 賽斯.高汀(Seth Godin)
- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 主題看板
- Step 1 發現值得銷售與談論的事物
- Step 1 Invent something worth selling and talking about
- Step 2 以對族群最有利的方式設計與打造
- Step 2 Design and build it in a way which hugely benefits your tribe
- Step 3 訴說一個與族群敘事相符的故事
- Step 3 Tell a story which aligns with the narrative of your tribe
- Step 4 宣傳你為族群取得的成果
- Step 4 Spread the word about the results you're getting for your tribe
- Step 5 持續出現,使別人對你追求的改變愈來愈有信心
- Step 5 Keep showing up and build confidence in the change you seek
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