Singapore Strides Ahead多元新加坡 經濟向前衝
In outmuscling Asian powerhouse Hong Kong in a recent competitiveness report published by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Singapore has come into its own. The city-state finished top in Asia and third in the world in the overall rankings, sponsored by Citibank. It was also joint top for physical capital and financial maturity. The European Development Bank has predicted that Singapore will attract more than US$12 billion in fixed asset investments in 2012. Meanwhile, the economy is expected to grow by up to 3 percent, following a 4.9-percent rise last year.
Behind Singapore's success is an ability to attract talent, investment and capital. How has it managed this?
Foreign residents make up a third of Singapore's population of 5.2 million, and the city's livability is a big factor in this. Singapore is one of the world's safest cities and boasts world-class transportation and infrastructure. Stringent anti-pollution measures and a series of clean-up campaigns have created one of Asia's cleanest urban environments. Add to that tax cuts to spur investment, low unemployment and lean bureaucracy, and the attraction is obvious. For medium-sized enterprises, the city is a strategic location for expansion into international markets. “It's a terrific place to do business,” says Michael Zink, Citibank's country officer in Singapore. “It's a very open and global city, and we have the opportunity to compete fairly and evenly against the domestic players.”
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