——凱文.克魯斯(Kevin Kruse),創業家暨暢銷作家
- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 重點導讀
- Framework 領導力變革的架構
- Framework A framework for leadershifts
- Leadershift 1 注意力──從獨奏變成指揮
- Leadershift 1 The Focus Shift – Soloist to Conductor
- Leadershift 2 個人發展──從追求目標變成追求成長
- Leadershift 2 The Personal Development Shift – Goals to Growth
- Leadershift 3 成本──從獲得好處變成付出代價
- Leadershift 3 The Cost Shift – Perks to Price
- Leadershift 4 人際關係──從取悅變成挑戰員工
- Leadershift 4 The Relational Shift – Pleasing people to Challenging people
- Leadershift 5 富足──從維持變成創造
- Leadershift 5 The Abundance Shift – Maintaining to Creating
- Leadershift 6 再造──從爬階梯變成造階梯
- Leadershift 6 The Reproduction Shift – Ladder climbing to Ladder building
- Leadershift 7 溝通──從指示變成連結
- Leadershift 7 The Communication Shift – Directing to Connecting
- Leadershift 8 改進──從團隊單一化變成團隊多樣化
- Leadershift 8 The Improvement Shift – Team uniformity to Team diversity
- Leadershift 9 影響力──從職位權威變成道德權威
- Leadershift 9 The Influence Shift – Positional authority to Moral authority
- Leadershift 10 衝擊──從培訓領導者變成轉型領導者
- Leadershift 10 The Impact Shift – Trained leaders to Transformational leaders
- Leadershift 11 熱情──從職業變成天命
- Leadershift 11 The Passion Shift – Career to Calling
- 延伸閱讀
- 版權頁