──羅伯特.C.博森(Robert C. Pozen),MIT史隆管理學院資深講師
- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 重點導讀
- Principle 1 元學習──先繪製學習地圖
- Principle 1 Metalearning – Draw a map first
- Principle 2 專心致志──磨利你的刀刃
- Principle 2 Focus – Sharpen your knife
- Principle 3 直接了當──不要拐彎抹角
- Principle 3 Directness – Go straight ahead
- Principle 4 反覆操練──攻擊你最大的弱點
- Principle 4 Drill – Attack your weakest point
- Principle 5 提取記憶──利用測驗來學習
- Principle 5 Retrieval – Test to learn
- Principle 6 取得回饋──不要躲避拳頭
- Principle 6 Feedback – Don't dodge the punches
- Principle 7 保存記憶──別往漏水的桶子加水
- Principle 7 Retention – Don't fill a leaky bucket
- Principle 8 培養直覺──先挖深一點再往上發展
- Principle 8 Intuition – Dig deep first, then build up
- Principle 9 勇於實驗──往舒適圈外探索
- Principle 9 Experiment – Explore outside your comfort zone
- 延伸閱讀
- 版權頁