──蘿蘋.托賓(Robin Tobin),Adobe 行銷總監
──蘿蘋.托賓(Robin Tobin),Adobe 行銷總監
- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 重點導讀
- Truth 1 你必須抱持成長心態
- Truth 1 You must have a growth mindset
- Truth 2 阻礙是變相的機會
- Truth 2 Obstacles are opportunities in disguise
- Truth 3 恐懼是好事──用它來推動你前進
- Truth 3 Fear is good – use it to drive you forward
- Truth 4 失敗再好不過──它是旅程的一部分
- Truth 4 Failure is great – it's part of the journey
- Truth 5 超能力助你成功
- Truth 5 Your superpower makes you successful
- Truth 6 熱情讓你所向無敵
- Truth 6 Passion will make you unstoppable
- Truth 7 別單打獨鬥──尋覓好導師
- Truth 7 You can't go it alone – find good mentors
- Truth 8 今日每個事業都是科技新創
- Truth 8 Every business today is a tech startup
- Truth 9 必須填補獨特空缺才能成功
- Truth 9 You must fill a unique void to succeed
- Truth 10 空間實境是上兆美元商機
- Truth 10 Spatial reality is a trillion-dollar opening
- Truth 11 辛苦工作不會富有,但聰明工作絕對可以
- Truth 11 Working hard won't make you rich, but working smart definitely will
- Truth 12 遠距工作者已成為你的新競爭優勢
- Truth 12 Remote workers have become your new competitive advantage
- The End 讓你的事業通過未來考驗
- The End Future Proofing Your Business
- 延伸閱讀
- 版權頁