- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 重點導讀
- Preface 為什麼要建立自品牌?
- Preface Why build a personal brand?
- Step 1 擁有個人觀點
- Step 1 Have a personal POINT-OF-VIEW
- Step 2 敘述動人的個人故事
- Step 2 Tell engaging PERSONAL STORIES
- Step 3 運用平台建立好感
- Step 3 Use a PLATFORM to build your likability
- Step 4 做好定位面對競爭
- Step 4 POSITION yourself against competitors
- Step 5 創造契合的強大產品
- Step 5 Create robust PRODUCTS which align
- Step 6 定好價格讓人想購買
- Step 6 PRICE so people want to buy
- Step 7 闡述你捍衛的真相
- Step 7 PITCH the truth about what you stand for
- Step 8 與夥伴攜手打造絕佳關係
- Step 8 Form great relationships with PARTNERS
- 延伸閱讀
- 版權頁