專訪驊陞科技股份有限公司董事長、電電公會理事陳宏欽 Exclusive Interview with CHEN, HUNG-CHIN, the Chairperson of Wieson Technologies Co., Ltd., and a Director of TEEMA 創造完美連結 邁向高質量的發展
專訪虎門科技股份有限公司總裁、電電公會監事楊舜如 Exclusive Interview with YANG, SHUN-JU, the President of Taiwan Auto-Design Co., and a Supervisor of TEEMA 未來決勝關鍵在「應用」 虛實整合建立優勢
國際鏈結 International Network
鏈結國際 加速布局全球市場 Linking to the International Market to Speed Up Your Global Deployment 台日產業互補性高 重組供應鏈最佳夥伴
India+Taiwan=IT 軟硬互補、韌性供應 台印鏈結共創經貿新局
2021 TEEMA Global Networking Forum Linking Japan and India to Consolidate Taiwan's Position in the Global Supply Chain
Taiwan Smart Agriculture Industry International Cooperation and Exchange Conference & Business Matching
夫人聯誼會 Sodalities of Madams 獻愛力行國小、善牧基金會、天主教福利會 Donations to Taipei Municipal Lixing Elementary School, Good Shepherd Social Welfare Foundation, and Cathwel Service 電電公會夫人聯誼會歲末送暖