May 2022
It’s May, and if it isn’t raining, it may be the perfect time to get outside. This spring, try taking a trip to a park to enjoy “The Color Green” all around you. If you like camping in nature and dreaming about the universe, then we’ve got a book for you: “Where the Forest Meets the Stars.” For those interested in living close to nature, read the article
“National Underground America Day,” which teaches about building homes underground. For those who’d rather learn about animals, then we recommend reading about the Fuzzy Little Chinchillas” of South America. If you’re feeling down due to cold, wet weather, remember that “Laughter Is the Best Medicine,” and that a little sunshine can also do wonders. We wish our readers a great month studying English with this month’s issue of Enjoy English !
五月來臨,如果沒有下雨的話,現在會是戶外郊遊的完美時機。在這個春季,不妨試著去公園一遊,享受周遭的《綠色幾好幾壞?》。如果你喜愛在自然中野營並對宇宙懷著夢想的話,我們有一本好書推薦給你:《來自星星的奇蹟》。對於那些有興趣親近自然而居的讀者們,可以閱讀《國定地下日?!》,其中會講解關於地下房屋的建造。對於那些比較想了解動物的人,那麼我們建議你讀關於來自南美的《毛茸茸呆萌小生物 —— 絨毛鼠》的文章。如果溼冷的天氣使
May 2022
It’s May, and if it isn’t raining, it may be the perfect time to get outside. This spring, try taking a trip to a park to enjoy “The Color Green” all around you. If you like camping in nature and dreaming about the universe, then we’ve got a book for you: “Where the Forest Meets the Stars.” For those interested in living close to nature, read the article
“National Underground America Day,” which teaches about building homes underground. For those who’d rather learn about animals, then we recommend reading about the Fuzzy Little Chinchillas” of South America. If you’re feeling down due to cold, wet weather, remember that “Laughter Is the Best Medicine,” and that a little sunshine can also do wonders. We wish our readers a great month studying English with this month’s issue of Enjoy English !
五月來臨,如果沒有下雨的話,現在會是戶外郊遊的完美時機。在這個春季,不妨試著去公園一遊,享受周遭的《綠色幾好幾壞?》。如果你喜愛在自然中野營並對宇宙懷著夢想的話,我們有一本好書推薦給你:《來自星星的奇蹟》。對於那些有興趣親近自然而居的讀者們,可以閱讀《國定地下日?!》,其中會講解關於地下房屋的建造。對於那些比較想了解動物的人,那麼我們建議你讀關於來自南美的《毛茸茸呆萌小生物 —— 絨毛鼠》的文章。如果溼冷的天氣使
- 新聞直擊
- Unit 1 藝術饗宴 The Color Green 綠色幾好幾壞?
- Unit 1 藝術饗宴 The Color Green 綠色幾好幾壞?
- Unit 2 觀光英語 Checking the Lost and Found 失物招領處
- Unit 3 好書俱樂部 Where the Forest Meets the Stars 來自星星的奇蹟
- Unit 3 好書俱樂部 Where the Forest Meets the Stars 來自星星的奇蹟
- 生活字彙王
- Unit 4 追根究底 Behind the Mask 面面「具」到
- Unit 4 追根究底 Behind the Mask 面面「具」到
- Unit 5 圖解世界 Kitchenware 廚房用具一把罩
- Unit 6 生活快遞 National Underground America Day 國定地下日?!
- Unit 6 生活快遞 National Underground America Day 國定地下日?!
- Unit 7 商用英語 Competing for a Promotion 職場競爭,力爭上游
- Unit 7 商用英語 Competing for a Promotion 職場競爭,力爭上游
- 焦點話題
- Unit 8 克漏字 Telephobia 電話恐懼症
- Unit 9 專題特寫 Fuzzy Little Chinchillas 毛茸茸呆萌小生物 —— 絨毛鼠
- Unit 9 專題特寫 Fuzzy Little Chinchillas 毛茸茸呆萌小生物 —— 絨毛鼠
- Unit 10 探索科學 Laughter Is the Best Medicine 笑是最好的良藥
- Unit 10 探索科學 Laughter Is the Best Medicine 笑是最好的良藥
- 看圖作文 The Singer and the Selfie 空中飛「機」
- Unit 11 文化之窗 Elegant as Fire: Flamenco 優雅如火:佛朗明哥
- Unit 11 文化之窗 Elegant as Fire: Flamenco 優雅如火:佛朗明哥
- Unit 12 漫遊圖書館 The Eye 天津濱海圖書館
- 翻譯
- 發燒話題
- 中文翻譯
- 背誦卡