【編者的話】October 2022
October’s here, and so are we. We’re in the middle of fall now, and the temperature has gotten much cooler. It’s the perfect weather for hiking. “The Mountains Are Calling” can share some tips for when you’re out on the trails. If you do go hiking, be sure to bring enough food because “Hungry plus Anger Can Equal Hangry.” While out in the mountains, you’ll likely see a falcon. Ever wonder what it’d be like to own one yourself? Check out “Fantastic Falcons and How to Fly Them for Fun” to learn about this popular hobby in Qatar. What’s your favorite style of music? Give “Does Your Music Match Your Personality?” a read and see what your music says about you. Fall is also a great time to
visit Japan. “Torii : A Japanese Gate between Heaven and Earth” can teach you all about this iconic piece of Japan. Whatever you decide to do this month, we hope you enjoy learning English with this month’s issue of Enjoy English.
【編者的話】October 2022
October’s here, and so are we. We’re in the middle of fall now, and the temperature has gotten much cooler. It’s the perfect weather for hiking. “The Mountains Are Calling” can share some tips for when you’re out on the trails. If you do go hiking, be sure to bring enough food because “Hungry plus Anger Can Equal Hangry.” While out in the mountains, you’ll likely see a falcon. Ever wonder what it’d be like to own one yourself? Check out “Fantastic Falcons and How to Fly Them for Fun” to learn about this popular hobby in Qatar. What’s your favorite style of music? Give “Does Your Music Match Your Personality?” a read and see what your music says about you. Fall is also a great time to
visit Japan. “Torii : A Japanese Gate between Heaven and Earth” can teach you all about this iconic piece of Japan. Whatever you decide to do this month, we hope you enjoy learning English with this month’s issue of Enjoy English.
- 新聞直擊
- Unit 1 休閒小站 The Mountains Are Calling 臺灣登山熱:全民一起瘋登山
- Unit 1 休閒小站 The Mountains Are Calling 臺灣登山熱:全民一起瘋登山
- Unit 2 觀光英語 Saying Goodbye 學成歸國說再見
- Unit 3 好書俱樂部 Daughter of the Deep: Past and Future Meet at Sea 深海的女兒
- Unit 3 好書俱樂部 Daughter of the Deep: Past and Future Meet at Sea 深海的女兒
- 生活字彙王
- Unit 4 專題特寫 Fantastic Falcons and How to Fly Them for Fun 來到卡達「隼」沒錯!
- Unit 4 專題特寫 Fantastic Falcons and How to Fly Them for Fun 來到卡達「隼」沒錯!
- Unit 5 克漏字 Hungry plus Anger Can Equal Hangry 餓到好生氣啊!
- Unit 6 商用英語 Visiting Clients 拜訪客戶
- Unit 6 商用英語 Visiting Clients 拜訪客戶
- Unit 7 文化之窗 Torii: A Japanese Gate between Heaven and Earth 鳥居:日本的天界之門
- Unit 7 文化之窗 Torii: A Japanese Gate between Heaven and Earth 鳥居:日本的天界之門
- Unit 8 生活快遞 Does Your Music Match Your Personality? 「聽」見你的個性
- 焦點話題
- Unit 9 人物傳記 The Colorful Art of Maria Prymachenko 烏克蘭和平藝術家:瑪莉亞.普里馬琴科
- Unit 9 人物傳記 The Colorful Art of Maria Prymachenko 烏克蘭和平藝術家:瑪莉亞.普里馬琴科
- Unit 10 圖解世界 A Landscaper’s Day 園藝必備工具
- 看圖作文 Laundry Nightmare 洗衣服夢魘
- Unit 11 行遍天下 The Lake of Kings 湖中之王:國王湖
- Unit 11 行遍天下 The Lake of Kings 湖中之王:國王湖
- 翻譯
- Unit 12 追根究底 Why Can’t Bakers Count? 為什麼麵包師傅總是數錯!?
- 歌曲園地
- 中文翻譯
- 背誦卡