October 2022
It’s October. That means fall is finally here. Or is the season called autumn? The article “Autumn Is Not Just about the hanging Leaves” answers not just this question but many others related to this season. Another age-old question that many people have is answered in “Myth-Busting: Can Your Eyes Pop Out If You Keep Them Open While Sneezing?” This article separates the facts from fiction in regards to sneezing. For anyone interested in reading about a cute animal, “Five Awesome Facts about Koalas” is just for you. It provides interesting facts about this adorable animal. While you’re reading about koalas, why not also learn about the veterinarian profession? “Veterinarian: A Vocation for Animal Care” delves into the long history of caring for animals. If you are planning a vacation this fall, then “Torii : The Spiritual Symbol of Japan” might give you some travel inspiration. This article looks at one of Japan’s most recognizable structures. These articles and many others are in the October issue of Ivy Analytical.
October 2022
It’s October. That means fall is finally here. Or is the season called autumn? The article “Autumn Is Not Just about the hanging Leaves” answers not just this question but many others related to this season. Another age-old question that many people have is answered in “Myth-Busting: Can Your Eyes Pop Out If You Keep Them Open While Sneezing?” This article separates the facts from fiction in regards to sneezing. For anyone interested in reading about a cute animal, “Five Awesome Facts about Koalas” is just for you. It provides interesting facts about this adorable animal. While you’re reading about koalas, why not also learn about the veterinarian profession? “Veterinarian: A Vocation for Animal Care” delves into the long history of caring for animals. If you are planning a vacation this fall, then “Torii : The Spiritual Symbol of Japan” might give you some travel inspiration. This article looks at one of Japan’s most recognizable structures. These articles and many others are in the October issue of Ivy Analytical.
- 強制險特輯 Ride Safe: Micro-electric Scooters Require Liability Insurance 「微型電動二輪車」投保「強制險」再上路!
- 文意選填 Torii : The Spiritual Symbol of Japan 日本鳥居 | 通往神域的入口
- 科普園地 Myth-Busting: Can Your Eyes Pop Out If You Keep Them Open While Sneezing? 破除流言:睜眼打噴嚏眼球會飛出去嗎?
- 詞彙測驗
- 混合題型 Pseudonyms: The Use of Fake Names by Fiction Authors 為什麼作家要用筆名?
- 克漏字 Pickleball: Strange Name, Fun Game 匹克球 簡單好玩的新興運動
- 歷史迴廊 Go Nuts for Peanuts Comic Strip 風行數十載 《花生漫畫》與史努比
- 新聞英語 Rats to the Rescue 老鼠立大功 救人衝衝衝
- 主題寫作 The Future of Movies: Theaters or Streaming? 串流崛起,影院絕跡?
- 閱讀測驗 Five Awesome Facts about Koalas 最愛睡的動物:超萌無尾熊
- 新聞導讀 新聞寫作(一)標題 如何下標題 1-2
- 克漏字 Veterinarian: A Vocation for Animal Care 獸醫:肩負拯救動物的使命
- 混合題型 A Yummy Mystery: Sweet Potatoes vs Yams 番薯?山藥?別傻傻分不清
- 混合題型 A Yummy Mystery: Sweet Potatoes vs Yams 番薯?山藥?別傻傻分不清
- 看圖寫作 A Scary Experience 電梯驚魂記
- 閱讀測驗 NFTs: Exciting Yet Controversial Digital Artworks NFT:數位藝術新浪潮
- 篇章結構 Latchkey Children Home Alone 鑰匙兒童:回到沒有人的家
- 翻譯
- 文意選填 Art That Stares Back 蒙娜麗莎總是看著你?
- 閱讀測驗 Autumn Is Not Just about the Changing Leaves 為什麼秋意濃秋葉紅?你不知道的秋日!
- 閱讀測驗 Autumn Is Not Just about the Changing Leaves 為什麼秋意濃秋葉紅?你不知道的秋日!
- 解析文法
- 實力測驗
- 背誦卡