- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 重點導讀
- Agenda 1 ETDBW──讓顧客容易跟你做生意
- Agenda 1 ETDBW – Make your company easy to do business with
- Agenda 2 MVA──提供更多顧客真正想要的東西
- Agenda 2 MVA – Give customers more of what they really want
- Agenda 3 流程──使高效切實可行
- Agenda 3 Processes – Make high performance feasible and achievable
- Agenda 4 創造力──在混亂中創造秩序
- Agenda 4 Creativity – Create order where chaos previously reigned
- Agenda 5 評量──把評量當作管理而非會計的一環
- Agenda 5 Measure – Make measuring part of managing, not accounting
- Agenda 6 鬆綁──管理不受層層結構限制
- Agenda 6 Loosen – Manage without obsessive levels of structure
- Agenda 7 建構──把配銷鏈變成共同體
- Agenda 7 Build – Transform distribution chains into communities
- Agenda 8 結盟──隨時隨地合作
- Agenda 8 Partner – Collaborate whenever and wherever you can
- Agenda 9 擴展──虛擬整合讓企業更加壯大
- Agenda 9 Extend – Integrate virtually to grow your business more
- Applying 將議題化為行動的6個關鍵
- Applying The Six Keys To Applying The Agenda
- Steps 你可以採取的3個具體步驟
- Steps The Three Concrete Steps You Can Take
- 延伸閱讀
- 版權頁