April 2023
April is here, so you might see more daisies and sweet peas than other flowers. That’s because they are the flowers of April. To learn about their significance, be sure to read the article “April Birth Flowers: Daisies and Sweet Peas.” Another great article in this month’s issue of Analytical English is “Notre-Dame Cathedral: So Much More Than Just a Church.” It details the history of one of France’s most iconic landmarks. If you want to read more about history, then check out “The Rebirth of the Modern Olympics.” This article provides details about the first modern Olympic games as well as ancient ones. “Scratch That Itch with a Shark” describes how some types of tuna go to surprising lengths to relieve itches. Another great article about sea creatures is “The Peculiar Penguin.” It is full of information about that fascinating animal. These are just a few of the great articles you will find in the April issue of Analytical English.
April 2023
April is here, so you might see more daisies and sweet peas than other flowers. That’s because they are the flowers of April. To learn about their significance, be sure to read the article “April Birth Flowers: Daisies and Sweet Peas.” Another great article in this month’s issue of Analytical English is “Notre-Dame Cathedral: So Much More Than Just a Church.” It details the history of one of France’s most iconic landmarks. If you want to read more about history, then check out “The Rebirth of the Modern Olympics.” This article provides details about the first modern Olympic games as well as ancient ones. “Scratch That Itch with a Shark” describes how some types of tuna go to surprising lengths to relieve itches. Another great article about sea creatures is “The Peculiar Penguin.” It is full of information about that fascinating animal. These are just a few of the great articles you will find in the April issue of Analytical English.
- 文意選填 The Benefits of “Baby Shark” 超洗腦兒歌 Baby Shark 對孩童好處多多
- 科普園地 The Science of Spiciness 無辣不歡 為什麼有人愛吃辣?
- 詞彙測驗
- 閱讀測驗 The Peculiar Penguin 企鵝冷知識,你知道幾個?
- 克漏字 Scratch That Itch with a Shark 海洋界的不求人:鯊魚皮可用來止癢
- 歷史迴廊 The Rebirth of the Modern Olympics 現代奧運會的重生
- 新聞英語 Fusion Power Breakthrough 核融合大突破 潔淨能源不是夢
- 主題寫作 Cats vs. Dogs: The Best Pet for Me 貓派、狗派選邊站
- 閱讀測驗 April Birth Flowers: Daisies and Sweet Peas 四月誕生花
- 克漏字 Music Interpreted with AI: Foley Music 跨足音樂領域的人工智慧:Foley Music
- 翻譯
- 閱讀測驗 Notre-Dame Cathedral: So Much More Than Just a Church 法國巴黎的女主人:巴黎聖母院
- 圖片寫作 Helping a Stranger 路面不平 行人注意!
- 混合題型 Undoing the Mystery of Buttons 男女不同邊|鈕扣的性別之謎
- 篇章結構 閃光燈記憶:腦海裡的照相機
- 混合題型 Laziness and How to Overcome It 懶惰不是罪 拖延還是要面對
- 混合題型 Laziness and How to Overcome It 懶惰不是罪 拖延還是要面對
- 文意選填 Woman with Autism Makes History as a Florida Lawyer 真人版《禹英禑》!佛羅里達首位「自閉症律師」
- 解析文法