May 2023
May is finally here, which means spring is in full bloom. Spring is the season of renewal, so it’s the perfect time to renew your English learning with Analytical English . This month’s issue has many great articles like “Busy as a Beaver,” which describes the traits of this well-known forest animal. Another great animal-related article is “The Reasons Cats Love Cardboard Boxes.” It explains some of the strange quirks common among our favorite pets. For those interested in learning about food science, “The Hole Mystery of Swiss Cheese” is a perfect read. In addition, “Plastic Straw’s Time Has Come and Gone” discusses some environmental issues related to drinking with plastic straws, while “The Legacy of Pac-Man” delves into the history of a world-famous video game. There are so many other great topics in the May issue of Analytical English that you are sure to learn something new on every page.
May 2023
May is finally here, which means spring is in full bloom. Spring is the season of renewal, so it’s the perfect time to renew your English learning with Analytical English . This month’s issue has many great articles like “Busy as a Beaver,” which describes the traits of this well-known forest animal. Another great animal-related article is “The Reasons Cats Love Cardboard Boxes.” It explains some of the strange quirks common among our favorite pets. For those interested in learning about food science, “The Hole Mystery of Swiss Cheese” is a perfect read. In addition, “Plastic Straw’s Time Has Come and Gone” discusses some environmental issues related to drinking with plastic straws, while “The Legacy of Pac-Man” delves into the history of a world-famous video game. There are so many other great topics in the May issue of Analytical English that you are sure to learn something new on every page.
- 焦點新聞 Have a Chat with ChatGPT ChatGPT:讓你和人工智慧聊聊天
- 文意選填 The Reasons Cats Love Cardboard Boxes 紙箱對喵星人的神奇吸引力
- 科普園地 The Real Reasons to Turn On Airplane Mode 為什麼搭飛機要開啟飛航模式?
- 詞彙測驗
- 閱讀測驗 Busy as a Beaver 河狸很忙
- 克漏字 Translating Spoken Languages 全球首創語音翻譯系金欸!
- 歷史迴廊 The Legacy of Pac-Man 電玩史上的第一個角色「小精靈」
- 新聞英語 Research Shows Mosquitoes in Cambodia and Vietnam Are Harder to Kill 不怕殺蟲劑!抗藥蚊子現蹤亞洲
- 閱讀測驗 The Artistry of Japan’s Manhole Covers 低頭可見的藝術品:日本人孔蓋
- 解析文法
- 克漏字 Plastic Straw’s Time Has Come and Gone 飲品的好友、環境的殺手:吸管
- 混合題型 The Science behind Lateness 為什麼有些人總是遲到?
- 信函寫作 Lateness Has Consequences 可不可以別再遲到了!
- 閱讀測驗 Get into the Rhythm of Swing Dancing 進入搖擺舞的節奏吧!
- 閱讀測驗 Get into the Rhythm of Swing Dancing 進入搖擺舞的節奏吧!
- 篇章結構 The Hole Mystery of Swiss Cheese 「洞」察起司上的洞洞
- 翻譯
- 混合題型 Pop! Pop! The Perfect Shopping Experience for Korean Music 限時快閃店 錯過便不見
- 混合題型 Pop! Pop! The Perfect Shopping Experience for Korean Music 限時快閃店 錯過便不見
- 主題寫作 Shutting Down Scalping 杜絕黃牛 人人有責
- 文意選填 A Day to Celebrate Your Body 你「瘦」夠了嗎?一起在這天當個快樂小吃貨
- 慣用語 I Could Eat a Horse 我餓扁了
- 解析文法
- 實力測驗
- 背誦卡