【編者的話】June 2023
Hey, there! June’s here, and we have got some interesting articles for you. First, have you ever woken up from a dream and wondered what it meant? “Dream a Little Dream” discusses the possible meanings of some common dreams. After waking up, you’ll probably be hungry. Try a delicious canelé and learn about the French Pastry in “Canelé: The Secret Recipe.” Now, you’ll probably want a coffee to go with your breakfast. What better place to get one than your local vending machine? Check out “2,000 Years of Vending Machines” and discover that they aren’t a recent invention after all. However, if you opt for water instead, we suggest reading “Does Water Have a Taste?” It talks about how water from different places tastes different. Whatever you decide to have for breakfast, we hope you have fun learning in this edition of Enjoy English.
【編者的話】June 2023
Hey, there! June’s here, and we have got some interesting articles for you. First, have you ever woken up from a dream and wondered what it meant? “Dream a Little Dream” discusses the possible meanings of some common dreams. After waking up, you’ll probably be hungry. Try a delicious canelé and learn about the French Pastry in “Canelé: The Secret Recipe.” Now, you’ll probably want a coffee to go with your breakfast. What better place to get one than your local vending machine? Check out “2,000 Years of Vending Machines” and discover that they aren’t a recent invention after all. However, if you opt for water instead, we suggest reading “Does Water Have a Taste?” It talks about how water from different places tastes different. Whatever you decide to have for breakfast, we hope you have fun learning in this edition of Enjoy English.
- 新聞直擊
- Unit 1 好書俱樂部 The Midnight Library 午夜圖書館
- Unit 1 好書俱樂部 The Midnight Library 午夜圖書館
- Unit 2 商用英語 Preparing for a Trade Fair 籌備貿易展
- Unit 2 商用英語 Preparing for a Trade Fair 籌備貿易展
- 翻譯
- Unit 3 美食饗宴 Canelé: The Secret Recipe 可麗露:美味的祕訣
- Unit 3 美食饗宴 Canelé: The Secret Recipe 可麗露:美味的祕訣
- Unit 4 健康百科 The Benefits of Cuddling 愛的抱抱紓壓又療癒
- Unit 4 健康百科 The Benefits of Cuddling 愛的抱抱紓壓又療癒
- Unit 5 圖解世界 Transportation 交通工具
- Unit 6 生活快遞 The Fight against Fast Furniture 打擊快傢俱人人有責
- Unit 6 生活快遞 The Fight against Fast Furniture 打擊快傢俱人人有責
- 焦點話題
- Unit 7 觀光英語 Tipping Culture 小費文化知多少
- Unit 8 專題特寫 Crazy Customs for Graduates 瘋狂畢業習俗
- 看圖作文 Danger in the Streets 危機四伏的街道
- Unit 9 溫馨小品 Dream a Little Dream 充滿謎團的夢世界
- Unit 9 溫馨小品 Dream a Little Dream 充滿謎團的夢世界
- 生活字彙王
- Unit 10 追根究底 2,000 Years of Vending Machines 自動販賣機進化史
- Unit 10 追根究底 2,000 Years of Vending Machines 自動販賣機進化史
- Unit 11 克漏字 Does Water Have a Taste? 水有味道嗎?
- Unit 12 科技新知 The Sudden Rise of AI Art 人工智慧藝術的異軍突起
- Unit 12 科技新知 The Sudden Rise of AI Art 人工智慧藝術的異軍突起
- 發燒話題
- 中文翻譯
- 背誦卡