【編者的話】November 2023
November is here, and the temperature is nice and cool. It’s the perfect weather to stay in bed. If leaving your bed seems difficult, we suggest reading, “Why Can’t I Get Out of Bed in the Morning?” It provides some good tips to help start the day. After successfully getting out of bed, you’ll probably put on your favorite T-shirt. Learn about the history of this iconic piece of clothing in “The Plain White Tee.” If you’re looking to travel, check out “Patagonia: The Legendary Land of the Giants.” It introduces a beautiful region in South America and how it got its name. If you’re more into cultural events, check out “Thailand’s Festival of Lights,” and learn about this amazing celebration in Thailand. There’s something for everyone in this month’s issue of Enjoy English . Flip through and learn to your heart’s content!
十一月到了,氣溫涼爽宜人。是個適合窩在床上的天氣。如果下床對你來說很困難,我們建議讀一讀《為什麼我早上都起不來?》。它提供一些不錯的小撇步幫助你展開新的一天。成功下床後,你可能會穿上最喜歡的 T 恤。在《永不退流行的白 T》中了解這件標誌性衣物的歷史吧。如果你想去旅行,可以讀《巨人的國境:巴塔哥尼亞》。這篇文章介紹一個位於南美洲的美麗地區以及其名字的由來。如果你偏好文化活動,那就讀《泰國水燈節》,了解一下泰國這個令人驚豔的慶祝活動吧。本期的《生活英語》中有適合每個人的內容。開始閱讀並盡情學習吧!
【編者的話】November 2023
November is here, and the temperature is nice and cool. It’s the perfect weather to stay in bed. If leaving your bed seems difficult, we suggest reading, “Why Can’t I Get Out of Bed in the Morning?” It provides some good tips to help start the day. After successfully getting out of bed, you’ll probably put on your favorite T-shirt. Learn about the history of this iconic piece of clothing in “The Plain White Tee.” If you’re looking to travel, check out “Patagonia: The Legendary Land of the Giants.” It introduces a beautiful region in South America and how it got its name. If you’re more into cultural events, check out “Thailand’s Festival of Lights,” and learn about this amazing celebration in Thailand. There’s something for everyone in this month’s issue of Enjoy English . Flip through and learn to your heart’s content!
十一月到了,氣溫涼爽宜人。是個適合窩在床上的天氣。如果下床對你來說很困難,我們建議讀一讀《為什麼我早上都起不來?》。它提供一些不錯的小撇步幫助你展開新的一天。成功下床後,你可能會穿上最喜歡的 T 恤。在《永不退流行的白 T》中了解這件標誌性衣物的歷史吧。如果你想去旅行,可以讀《巨人的國境:巴塔哥尼亞》。這篇文章介紹一個位於南美洲的美麗地區以及其名字的由來。如果你偏好文化活動,那就讀《泰國水燈節》,了解一下泰國這個令人驚豔的慶祝活動吧。本期的《生活英語》中有適合每個人的內容。開始閱讀並盡情學習吧!
- 歷史迴廊 From Trade to Unity: The Formation and Growth of the EU 回顧歐盟緣起
- 新聞英語 A Summer of Extreme Weather in the Northern Hemisphere 北半球陷極端天氣威脅
- 閱讀測驗 Unveiling the Bird behind Thanksgiving 火雞面面觀
- 文意選填 Strategic Grazing with Good Goats 啃草救森林 山羊消防員立大功
- 詞彙測驗
- 科普園地 The Shocking Truth about Static Electricity 你在冬天總是與靜電特別來「電」?
- 混合題型 Moroheiya: The Leafy Green Super Vegetable 超級食物:麻薏
- 克漏字 The Coziness of Viennese Coffee Houses 走進維也納咖啡館吧!
- 主題寫作 Factors to Consider When Choosing a University 你會如何選擇大學?
- 閱讀測驗 The Evolution of the Wedding Ring 戒指 見證永恆的愛情
- 翻譯
- 克漏字 Reverse Aging by Living Underwater? 是誰住在深海的小屋裡?
- 混合題型 Hugs, Handshakes, and Heartfelt Greetings 你今天 Say Hi 了嗎?
- 混合題型 Hugs, Handshakes, and Heartfelt Greetings 你今天 Say Hi 了嗎?
- 圖表寫作 Reasons for Using Reusable Bottles 自備環保杯 沒理由不推
- 文意選填 The Rocks that Pop 在嘴巴裡跳呀跳的跳跳糖
- 篇章結構 Is Advertising Necessary for Big Companies? 為何知名大品牌還要不停打廣告?
- 閱讀測驗 The Rise of Cheerleading 競技啦啦隊 展現力與美
- 閱讀測驗 The Rise of Cheerleading 競技啦啦隊 展現力與美
- 解析文法