December has arrived, and this means that Christmas is around the corner. One popular Christmas tradition is hanging stockings by the fireplace. To learn about the origins of this tradition, check out “The History of Christmas Stockings.” Another thing commonly associated with Christmas is reindeer. While these animals might not be able to fly in the sky, they have many other special features. The article “Reindeer—The Reality behind the Myths” is full of information about these majestic creatures. If you are looking to pick up a fun sport this winter, then ice climbing might be perfect for you. “The Thrills and Chills of Ice Climbing” has all the information you need to know about this exhilarating sport. Maybe you are someone who likes to spend time relaxing on a cruise ship. “Charting the Fast Route: Hurtigruten Norway’s Zero-Emission Cruise Ship” looks at one company’s effort to make the cruise ship industry more environmentally friendly. These are just some of the great articles you will find in the December issue of Analytical English .
December has arrived, and this means that Christmas is around the corner. One popular Christmas tradition is hanging stockings by the fireplace. To learn about the origins of this tradition, check out “The History of Christmas Stockings.” Another thing commonly associated with Christmas is reindeer. While these animals might not be able to fly in the sky, they have many other special features. The article “Reindeer—The Reality behind the Myths” is full of information about these majestic creatures. If you are looking to pick up a fun sport this winter, then ice climbing might be perfect for you. “The Thrills and Chills of Ice Climbing” has all the information you need to know about this exhilarating sport. Maybe you are someone who likes to spend time relaxing on a cruise ship. “Charting the Fast Route: Hurtigruten Norway’s Zero-Emission Cruise Ship” looks at one company’s effort to make the cruise ship industry more environmentally friendly. These are just some of the great articles you will find in the December issue of Analytical English .
- 焦點新聞 Nobel Prize Awarded for Attosecond Physics 三學者藉「阿秒」研究獲諾貝爾物理學獎
- 翻譯
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- 科普園地 Pupil Shape: The Window to the Soul? 瞳孔橫豎的祕密
- 詞彙測驗
- 閱讀測驗 Reindeer—The Reality behind the Myths 揭開馴鹿的神祕面紗
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- 閱讀測驗 The Secret of Japan’s Daruma Dolls 不屈不撓的精神象徵:達摩不倒翁
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- 混合題型 The Thrills and Chills of Ice Climbing 驚險刺激的冰攀
- 克漏字 Red beneath the Sea 為什麼船底要塗成紅色?
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- 閱讀測驗 Charting the Fast Route: Hurtigruten Norway’s Zero-Emission Cruise Ship 零碳排電動郵輪來了!
- 篇章結構 The History of Christmas Stockings 掛上聖誕襪 來收禮物囉!
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- 解析文法
- 實力測驗
- 背誦卡