Be the Unicorn
12 Data-Driven Habits that Separate the Best Leaders from the Rest
Be the Unicorn
12 Data-Driven Habits that Separate the Best Leaders from the Rest
- 封面
- 目次
- 書名頁
- 重點導讀
- Habit 1 做事迅速──行事積極
- Habit 1 BE FAST – Move at pace
- Habit 2 做問題解決者──追求解決方案
- Habit 2 BE A PROBLEM SOLVER – Find solutions
- Habit 3 靈活應變──提升你的彈性
- Habit 3 BE AGILE – Increase your flexibility
- Habit 4 有預見力──預測未來
- Habit 4 BE AN ANTICIPATOR – Predict the future
- Habit 5 做好準備──這樣好運才會找上你
- Habit 5 BE PREPARED – So lucky breaks find you
- Habit 6 了解自己──明瞭你的優勢
- Habit 6 BE SELF-AWARE – Know your strengths
- Habit 7 有好奇心──找尋有趣事物
- Habit 7 BE CURIOUS – Find interesting things
- Habit 8 真實誠懇──展現你的價值觀
- Habit 8 BE AUTHENTIC – Signal your values
- Habit 9 廣結人脈──認識對的人
- Habit 9 BE CONNECTED – Know the right people
- Habit 10 討人喜歡──與人和諧相處
- Habit 10 BE LIKABLE – Play well with others
- Habit 11 高生產力──學會如何運用時間
- Habit 11 BE PRODUCTIVE – Know how to use time
- Habit 12 有目標──找到方向
- Habit 12 BE PURPOSE DRIVEN – Find alignment
- 延伸閱讀
- 版權頁