2024 has arrived! In many places around the world, the new year comes with frosty weather
conditions, perfect for building a snowman. If you want to learn about the history of this fun winter activity, check out “The Snowy Story of the Snowman.” In the frigid regions of northern Japan, unique weather conditions help to form a natural type of snowman on the mountainsides. “The Towering Snow Monsters of Japan” provides an in-depth look at this amazing phenomenon. If you plan to be healthier in the new year, you might want to check out “Fruit Juice vs Whole Fruits: Which is Best?” This article looks at the nutritional benefits of whole fruits versus fruit juice. Many people use the new year as an opportunity to clean up their lives, but have you ever thought about your digital life? “The IRL Trashcan: An Innovative Approach to Disposing of Digital Waste” looks at the growing problem of digital pollution. With so many great articles, be sure to start the year off right with the January issue of Analytical English.
2024 has arrived! In many places around the world, the new year comes with frosty weather
conditions, perfect for building a snowman. If you want to learn about the history of this fun winter activity, check out “The Snowy Story of the Snowman.” In the frigid regions of northern Japan, unique weather conditions help to form a natural type of snowman on the mountainsides. “The Towering Snow Monsters of Japan” provides an in-depth look at this amazing phenomenon. If you plan to be healthier in the new year, you might want to check out “Fruit Juice vs Whole Fruits: Which is Best?” This article looks at the nutritional benefits of whole fruits versus fruit juice. Many people use the new year as an opportunity to clean up their lives, but have you ever thought about your digital life? “The IRL Trashcan: An Innovative Approach to Disposing of Digital Waste” looks at the growing problem of digital pollution. With so many great articles, be sure to start the year off right with the January issue of Analytical English.
- 克漏字 Galette des Rois: A Cake for Kings 幸運法式甜點 | 國王派
- 科普園地 The Sublime Effects of Dry Ice 乾冰為什麼會產生煙霧?
- 詞彙測驗
- 閱讀測驗 Amazing Aardvarks 來自非洲的神奇食蟻獸:土豚
- 文意選填 The Wag Brigade: Animals Providing Relief for Airline Passengers 搭機焦慮嗎?來摸摸我吧!
- 歷史迴廊 The British Museum: A Beacon of Culture with a Troubled Past 大英博物館的壯麗與爭議
- 新聞英語 The Rise of TikTok Brain 長期看短影音 小心染「抖音腦」
- 閱讀測驗 The IRL Trashcan: An Innovative Approach to Disposing of Digital Waste 減少數位汙染!專清垃圾郵件的垃圾桶
- 解析文法
- 克漏字 The Zebra Crossing: A Simple yet Significant Tool for Road Safety 斑馬線:行人的救命索
- 閱讀測驗 Eating as a Spectator Sport 照過來!大胃王祕辛報你知
- 閱讀測驗 Eating as a Spectator Sport 照過來!大胃王祕辛報你知
- 主題寫作 QR Code Ordering QR code 點餐
- 混合題型 The Snowy Story of the Snowman 雪人:短暫的美 留下永恆的印記
- 篇章結構 Fruit Juice vs Whole Fruits: Which Is Best? 喝果汁等於吃水果?還差得遠呢!
- 翻譯
- 混合題型 The Towering Snow Monsters of Japan 雪怪軍團來襲 ── 藏王樹冰
- 混合題型 The Towering Snow Monsters of Japan 雪怪軍團來襲 ── 藏王樹冰
- 信函寫作 A Letter to a Forum User Seeking Advice 回覆貼文 鼓勵對方
- 文意選填 Awake under the Knife 「麻醉覺醒」:在醫生的手術刀下醒來
- 解析文法