禪法是聖嚴法師留給世人最珍貴的禮物。本身承繼臨濟、曹洞兩系法脈,聖嚴法師立足傳統之上,提出了「中華禪法鼓宗」。1985年首度傳法繼程法師後,陸續傳法給多位西方在家居士,如今這些法子們已弘化一方。本期專訪繼程法師以及二度來臺帶領禪七的美國法子吉伯.古帝亞茲(Gilbert Gutierrez),除了談及法師對他們的影響,分別提出禪修應有的心態與正知見。在聖嚴法師座下出家,整理師父在西方培訓禪修師資教材的法鼓文理學院專任講師常慧法師,與長期帶領禪修活動的法鼓山僧伽大學教務長常啓法師,他們又如何為培養下一代而努力。
【禪的教學】釋常慧、釋常啓 為培養下一代而努力
【清心自在】輪迴的新年 諸佛的心願
【素食Q&A】今天「鈣」夠了嗎? 素食營養學會營養師解答
禪法是聖嚴法師留給世人最珍貴的禮物。本身承繼臨濟、曹洞兩系法脈,聖嚴法師立足傳統之上,提出了「中華禪法鼓宗」。1985年首度傳法繼程法師後,陸續傳法給多位西方在家居士,如今這些法子們已弘化一方。本期專訪繼程法師以及二度來臺帶領禪七的美國法子吉伯.古帝亞茲(Gilbert Gutierrez),除了談及法師對他們的影響,分別提出禪修應有的心態與正知見。在聖嚴法師座下出家,整理師父在西方培訓禪修師資教材的法鼓文理學院專任講師常慧法師,與長期帶領禪修活動的法鼓山僧伽大學教務長常啓法師,他們又如何為培養下一代而努力。
【禪的教學】釋常慧、釋常啓 為培養下一代而努力
【清心自在】輪迴的新年 諸佛的心願
【素食Q&A】今天「鈣」夠了嗎? 素食營養學會營養師解答
Humanity Magazine
Starting publication in 1949. Humanity was Taiwan’s first Buddhist magazine, founded by Ven. Master Dongchu in Fazun Monastery, Beitou, Taipei. Mainly focuses on applicability in daily life, showing pioneering thinking in the area of Buddhist cultural work.
It is a bellwether publication of deep and lasting influence in Buddhist circles, whereas resources were exiguous in many ways during first several years. Its mission to straighten out the indefinable conceptions between Buddhahood and divinity earns reputations what it deserves.
From time to time, there are quite some famous venerable masters have involved in editorial work, such as Master Dongchu, Master Shengyen, Master Chenyi, Rev. Singyun, Rev. Xinwu, Rev. Xingru, Mr. Yang, Baiyi. Also, respectful professors were invited as editorialists, for example, Rev. Juyuan, Rev. Nanting, Rev. Bai Sheng, Rev. Jumo, Mr. Suncing, Mr. Lee, Zikuan and Ms. Hsieh, Bingying. Therefore, Humanity has had recognizing as one of best-circulated publications among Buddhist community.
Fully covers writings of well-known scholars, writers, columnists, Humanity is overwhelmed popular to readers. Keeping up with the times in content, design and binding, it provides a source of forward-looking ideas and points of view.
With rational and emotional, educational and practical all qualities together, Humanity elucidates academic studies from Buddhism point of view. Bringing different perspective regarding life to people, so readers find answer in it. Definitely a practical magazine in terms of practice Buddism.
Humanity Magazine
Starting publication in 1949. Humanity was Taiwan’s first Buddhist magazine, founded by Ven. Master Dongchu in Fazun Monastery, Beitou, Taipei. Mainly focuses on applicability in daily life, showing pioneering thinking in the area of Buddhist cultural work.
It is a bellwether publication of deep and lasting influence in Buddhist circles, whereas resources were exiguous in many ways during first several years. Its mission to straighten out the indefinable conceptions between Buddhahood and divinity earns reputations what it deserves.
From time to time, there are quite some famous venerable masters have involved in editorial work, such as Master Dongchu, Master Shengyen, Master Chenyi, Rev. Singyun, Rev. Xinwu, Rev. Xingru, Mr. Yang, Baiyi. Also, respectful professors were invited as editorialists, for example, Rev. Juyuan, Rev. Nanting, Rev. Bai Sheng, Rev. Jumo, Mr. Suncing, Mr. Lee, Zikuan and Ms. Hsieh, Bingying. Therefore, Humanity has had recognizing as one of best-circulated publications among Buddhist community.
Fully covers writings of well-known scholars, writers, columnists, Humanity is overwhelmed popular to readers. Keeping up with the times in content, design and binding, it provides a source of forward-looking ideas and points of view.
With rational and emotional, educational and practical all qualities together, Humanity elucidates academic studies from Buddhism point of view. Bringing different perspective regarding life to people, so readers find answer in it. Definitely a practical magazine in terms of practice Buddism.