August 2024
August has arrived. In many places around the world, it is the month to go traveling. If you are one of the people considering traveling during this month, then check out the article “Dive into History and Savor Nature's Beauty in Tainan.” It lists some of the great places worth visiting in this city in southern Taiwan. For those looking to partake in a unique activity this month, you might want to join in La Tomatina in Spain. “La Tomatina: A Food Fight Like No Other” describes the history of the wild event. It's important to stay hydrated during this hot month, and the article “Thirsty? Eat This Bottle!” details a novel concept for storing and consuming water. For those looking to pick up a new sport, you might want to consider tower running. Learn about this fun activity by reading “Climbing to New Heights with Tower Running.” Analytical English has these and many other great articles for you to read this month. Analytical English.
August 2024
August has arrived. In many places around the world, it is the month to go traveling. If you are one of the people considering traveling during this month, then check out the article “Dive into History and Savor Nature's Beauty in Tainan.” It lists some of the great places worth visiting in this city in southern Taiwan. For those looking to partake in a unique activity this month, you might want to join in La Tomatina in Spain. “La Tomatina: A Food Fight Like No Other” describes the history of the wild event. It's important to stay hydrated during this hot month, and the article “Thirsty? Eat This Bottle!” details a novel concept for storing and consuming water. For those looking to pick up a new sport, you might want to consider tower running. Learn about this fun activity by reading “Climbing to New Heights with Tower Running.” Analytical English has these and many other great articles for you to read this month. Analytical English.
- 文意選填 The Curious Case of Strawberries 草莓其實不是莓
- 主題寫作 A Look at Rewards for Motivating Kids 獎勵孩子的方式
- 克漏字 Climbing to New Heights with Tower Running 跑跑跑 向上跑
- 詞彙測驗
- 閱讀測驗 How Foxes Use the Earth’s Magnetic Field for Hunting 狩獵高手狐狸原來靠的是地球磁場!?
- 翻譯
- 篇章結構 Why Are There More Right-Handed People Than Left-Handed People? 左右撇子之謎:終於找到答案了!?
- 新聞英語 How Climate Change May Affect Timekeeping 融冰拖慢地球自轉 「負閏秒」可能延至 2029 年
- 科普園地 Contrails: More Than Just Streaks in the Sky 飛機雲:凡飛過必留下痕跡?
- 圖片寫作 A Crying Baby on an Airplane 飛機上小孩吵鬧有解?
- 閱讀測驗 Welcome to BODYCOMBAT! 戰鬥有氧:隨著音樂痛快出拳!
- 克漏字 Thirsty? Eat This Bottle! 可以「吃」的水:你的環保新選擇!
- 閱讀測驗 La Tomatina: A Food Fight Like No Other 番茄大戰開打 就缺你加一
- 閱讀測驗 La Tomatina: A Food Fight Like No Other 番茄大戰開打 就缺你加一
- 混合題型 Why Does a Piano Have Precisely 88 Keys? 為什麼鋼琴有 8 8 個鍵?
- 文意選填 Don’t Drown in Digital Debt 數位債務:工作效率的隱形殺手
- 混合題型 Dive into History and Savor Nature’s Beauty in Tainan 臺南古都今風貌 古今交織美景耀
- 混合題型 Dive into History and Savor Nature’s Beauty in Tainan 臺南古都今風貌 古今交織美景耀
- 篇章結構 Do You Suffer from Duck Syndrome? 假裝一切都很好 小心「鴨子症候群」
- 解析文法