Cleaning Up the House
《ONE PIECE~ 航海王 ~》動畫在台歡慶十五週年
ONE PIECE Celebrates 15th Anniversary in Taiwan
Brewing New Uses for Coffee Grounds
Rome, the Eternal City
The Google Effect: When Getting Information Becomes Too Easy
Going to the Movies
- Live 關鍵時事新聞
- 焦點話題
- UNIT 1 趣味展覽 ONE PIECE Celebrates 15th Anniversary in Taiwan 《ONE PIECE~航海王~》動畫在台歡慶十五週年
- UNIT 2 環保生活 Brewing New Uses for Coffee Grounds 咖啡渣的新用途
- UNIT 3 大師名作選 One Thousand Dollars 〈一千元〉
- UNIT 4 焦點人物 The Teen Who Took on Cancer 發明癌症試紙的男孩:傑克.安卓卡
- UNIT 6 旅遊好去處 Rome, the Eternal City 漫步永恆之都──羅馬
- UNIT 7 克漏字 Orbit Tower to Feature a New Slide 奧運紀念塔變身溜滑梯
- UNIT 8 食物科學 The Benefits of Spicy Food 辛辣食物的益處
- 日常好用句 You said a mouthful. 你說得很對。
- UNIT 9 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習
- UNIT 10 新奇創意 The Book That Grows into a Tree 種書成樹,埋下環保的種子
- UNIT 11 網路心理 The Google Effect: When Getting Information Becomes Too Easy 「谷歌效應」會讓我們變笨嗎?
- UNIT 12 主題式會話 Going to the Movies 上電影院
- 唱歌學英語 Studying English with Songs: Echoes in Rain 恩雅:〈雨中回聲〉
- UNIT 13 動物星球頻道 Richard E. Grant’s 7 Deadly Sins 《動物七宗罪》
- 電影快報
- General English Prof iciency Test 全民英檢中級模擬試題
- Chinese Translation and Answer Key 中文翻譯與解答
- GEPT Answer Key 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答