
biz互動英語 [第148期] [有聲書]:騎出一片天 台灣自行車產業










Taiwan's Bicycle Industry: Not Spinning Its Wheels

Global temperatures are on the rise; fortunately, so are national and individual initiatives for going green. After the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997, the global bicycle market experienced a 4-percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 1998 to 2012. New predictions put the industry at US$65 billion by 2019 –– a CAGR of 5.2 percent.

European governments have focused on growing bicycle ridership for decades. France is the latest addition to at least five other European nations that offer its pedaling commuters compensation in the form of tax breaks, payments per kilometer or bike-purchasing subsidies. The trend to encourage cycling has also crossed the oceanic divide. Every Sunday morning, 50,000 bikers, joggers and pedestrians get the full dominion of 56 kilometers of central arteries in Mexico City. Los Angeles has committed to installing 2,500 kilometers of bike paths and lanes across its breadth. Both cities have launched bike-share programs, joining a fast-growing worldwide club of bike-share cities that totaled 984 in January 2016.

The largest sharing system is in Hangzhou, where 84,000 bikes operate from 3,300 stations. Fittingly, China produces 67 percent of the world's bicycles and is the biggest market by volume, at 30 percent. Since the Beijing Olympics in 2008, China's demand for high-end bicycles is climbing. Interestingly, it's Taiwan's industry leaders, Giant and Merida, which also top the list of best-selling brands on the mainland.

全球氣溫正在上升;幸運的是,國家和個人對環保的倡議也在升溫中。《京都議定書》於 1997 年簽訂之後,全球的自行車市場自 1998 年到 2012 年,每年都有 4% 的年複合成長率。新的預測是此產業在 2019 年之前,規模將達到 650 億美元,也就是 5.2% 的年複合成長率。

歐洲政府已花數十年的時間致力增加自行車騎乘者的人數。至少有五個歐洲國家提供國內的自行車通勤者減稅、每公里資助金或購車津貼等補助,法國則是最新成員。鼓勵騎自行車的趨勢也跨越至海洋的另一邊(編按:此指大西洋)。每個星期天早晨,墨西哥市的五萬名自行車騎士、慢跑者和行人可完全占有 56 公里的中央幹道。洛杉磯已承諾設置遍布市區的 2,500 公里自行車道。這兩個城市已啟動自行車共享計畫,加入一個快速成長的全球自行車共享城市俱樂部,其成員在 2016 年一月已達 984 個城市。

最大的共享系統在中國杭州,那裡共有 84,000 輛自行車在 3,300 個駐點站運作。中國製造全球 67% 的自行車,也是最大的消費市場──至少有三成,因此這些情況看來是合情合宜的。自 2008 年北京奧運以來,中國對高檔自行車的需求就不斷成長。有趣的是,拿下中國銷量最佳的前兩名廠商,是台灣的業界領導者──巨大和美利達。



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