◎《人生》雜誌 2013年11月專題
太虛大師 人生佛教真實踐
【影響貢獻】佛教改革 創新融貫
【閱讀大師】七百萬言 法身常存
太虛大師 人生佛教真實踐
象岡道場監院常聞法師看中國武俠片長大,也學中國功夫,「西洋僧New Talk」,跟著西洋僧一起練「功夫」,體會禪武不二。「法相萬千」介紹「光照大千──絲綢之路的佛教藝術特展」,讓我們貼近珍寶,上一堂絲路佛國活歷史。中國書法人人愛,那份瀟灑寫意,讓人心生嚮往,「佛藝好修行」吳大仁老師教大家「現代書法」,寫出禿筆、斑駁如塗鴉般的藝術效果,甚至拖把、宣紙也能寫。
Humanity Magazine
Starting publication in 1949. Humanity was Taiwan’s first Buddhist magazine, founded by Ven. Master Dongchu in Fazun Monastery, Beitou, Taipei. Mainly focuses on applicability in daily life, showing pioneering thinking in the area of Buddhist cultural work.
It is a bellwether publication of deep and lasting influence in Buddhist circles, whereas resources were exiguous in many ways during first several years. Its mission to straighten out the indefinable conceptions between Buddhahood and divinity earns reputations what it deserves.
From time to time, there are quite some famous venerable masters have involved in editorial work, such as Master Dongchu, Master Shengyen, Master Chenyi, Rev. Singyun, Rev. Xinwu, Rev. Xingru, Mr. Yang, Baiyi. Also, respectful professors were invited as editorialists, for example, Rev. Juyuan, Rev. Nanting, Rev. Bai Sheng, Rev. Jumo, Mr. Suncing, Mr. Lee, Zikuan and Ms. Hsieh, Bingying. Therefore, Humanity has had recognizing as one of best-circulated publications among Buddhist community.
Fully covers writings of well-known scholars, writers, columnists, Humanity is overwhelmed popular to readers. Keeping up with the times in content, design and binding, it provides a source of forward-looking ideas and points of view.
With rational and emotional, educational and practical all qualities together, Humanity elucidates academic studies from Buddhism point of view. Bringing different perspective regarding life to people, so readers find answer in it. Definitely a practical magazine in terms of practice Buddism.