美育 [第213期]:在戲劇的園地裡享受創造、感受美


並列題名:Journal of aesthetic education

其他題名:美育 美育雙月刊








Enjoy Art Creating and Feel Beautifulness in the World of Drama
焦點話題│ Focus Issue
策劃引言 張麗玉
The Introduction of the Scheme  Li-Yu CHANG
如何「寓教於戲」? 「影響‧ 新劇場」的創造力教學激盪策略實作 呂毅新
How to “Teach through Drama”? Practice of Creativity Teaching of “New Visions New Voices Theatre Company”  Yi-Hsin LU
交會時互放的光亮 武君怡
Light up Our Life in This Encounter!  Chun-Yi WU
從生活中尋找靈感的表演藝術教學 劉淑惠
Teaching of Performing Arts: Seeking Inspiration from Life  Shu-Hui LIU
創意倡議,美感累積 十二年國教課綱中的國中表演課 張幼玫
Proposal of Creativity and Accumulation of Sense of Aesthetics
Performing Courses of Junior High School in General Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year Compulsory Education  Yu-Mei CHANG
戲中『戲』 與英國兒童一同暢遊「孫悟空三打白骨精」 羅家玉
PLAY, the Play British Children’s Journey in the Monkey King Beat the White Bone Demon for Three Times  Chia-Yu LO
專欄市集│ Special Feature
游藝美感解碼 Decoding Aesthetics in A/r/tography
玄機游藝 公道教訓七分杯 張世宗
The Mystery Edu-Tainment Fair Cup: A Life Lesson of 70% Full  Shih-Tsung CHANG
藝教觀點 Drama Education
堅持在微觀世界旅行的劇團 石佩玉與「飛人集社」劇團 鄭黛瓊
A Company Insisting on Traveling in the Microscopic World Pei-Yu Shih and Flying-group Theatre  Tai-Chiung CHENG
創作處方│ Art Creation
《以身為行》作品構念 書法讚.是!展覽新主張 賴雯淑 林書民
The Structural Concept of Body as an Evolving Passage  Calligraphy-Like! - An Unprecedented Display  Wen-Shu LAI Shu-Min LIN
虛境漫遊 角色設計的異世界 方彩欣
Roaming in the Virtual World The Central Concepts of Creating Game Characters  Tsai-Shin FONG
欣賞有譜│ Art Appreciaton
從大企業家到異議分子 談莫理哀之《守財奴》及當代舞台新詮 楊莉莉
From Entrepreneur to Dissident On Molière’s Miser and Its Contemporary Mises en Scène  Lilly YANG
放大鏡下│ A Case Analysis
國樂探春 104 學年度全國學生音樂比賽密碼 施德玉
Observing the Development of Chinese Traditional Music in Northern Taiwan through the “2015 National Student Music Competition”  Ye-Yu SHIH
充電站│ Fuel Station
乘涼 張秀琴
Enjoy the Cool Shade  Amy


  • 欣賞有譜│Art Appreciaton 從大企業家到異議分子 談莫理哀之《守財奴》及當代舞台新詮
  • 放大鏡下│A Case Analysis 國樂探春 104學年度全國學生音樂比賽密碼
  • 充電站│Fuel Station 乘涼